The 2022 Friendship Tour is Complete

The 2021 Senior Friendship Tour successfully changed its title to the 2022 Senior Friendship Tour and embarked on its journey one year after the original scheduled start date. The Canadians arrived from the Maritimes and Ontario and the Tour took place as originally planned. Many thanks to all of the host clubs that remained throughout COVIDs year delay and for offering up such warm welcome, keen ice, wonderful food, and hospitality. Each club offered a different experience for our northern friends, but all stayed with the theme of, good curling, presenting what their club and region has to offer, and of course friendship. So much so, that many ties will continue long after the short visit the tour allowed. Participating host clubs included Schenectady, Albany, Utica, Norfolk, The Country Club, Cape Co, Nutmeg, Philadelphia, and Potomac.

Upon arrival, the Canadian curlers didn't know each other, but it didn't take long before they were a solid group of curlers and friends. They continue to keep in contact and try to curl together as much as possible and are already planning events and spiels together for the 2023 - 2024 season. Several curlers have already returned to TCC for a mixed spiel, Winter 2023, and are hosted by women they met while there.

A welcome was given at the opening dinner by World Curling Federation President Beau Welling, via Zoom, as well as the Presidents from both Albany and Schenectady Curling Clubs. Nadia Leslie represented the USWCA in welcoming the Canadians as well by being at the first game at Schenectady CC and formally that evening at the dinner at Albany CC. Along the way, in addition to the curling, we were able to visit many sights and give the group a taste of what the varied North East has to offer. One special highlight was a private tour of the Women's Memorial in Washington D.C. set up by committee member Nadyne Krienke. Seeing the journey, steps, and progress women have made in the armed forces was interesting and awe inspiring. The tour farewell was wrapped up by Potomac President Lauren Luther, Kelly Stevens (representing the USWCA), Leveling the Playing Field, and the Washington Coalition of Women's Professional Sports. Both of the two sports groups are great advocates for women. The Coalition sent two Washington Diva players (professional tackle football) to speak to the group. They were strong and inspirational women who have families, work, and play a professional sport. It was a great finale.

The committee took on their responsibilities and carried them out so that everything was in place and things ran well. Not only did the committee put in many hours and lots of planning, but many of our members contributed by way of gifts, time, and talent to make it possible to stay on budget, offer a once in a lifetime experience to our Canadian visitors, and to strengthen the bonds that the USWCA has among itself by supporting each other. For that is what we are about and it showed throughout the planning and execution of the Tour. Thank you all.

To see information on the Tour visually summed up, visit the 2022 Senior Friendship Daily Report page. There are pictures posted of the adventures.

The next tour will go out as originally scheduled in the Fall of 2024. Applications will be available in September 2023 and the deadline to apply will be in December 2023. 

The Incoming Sr. Friendship Tour Is About to Kickoff!

The Incoming Senior Friendship Tour is about to kick off on Monday, November 7, 2022! Everything is in place and ready to welcome our Canadian Friends.

The itinerary can be found on the Itinerary Sr Friendship Tour 2021(22) page.

If you can't be there in person, follow the Tour daily and watch its progress along the route by going to the 2022 Senior Friendship Tour Daily Report page.  


2021 (2022) Tour Update

The Senior Friendship Tour will be coming to the Northeast United States November 7 - 18, 2022.  After a year-long COVID delay, the tour is happening this Fall and all of the original clubs are able to participate. Clubs from the USWCA's East Region will host 16 women from the Canadian Maritimes and Ontario. Participating host clubs include Schenectady, Albany, Utica, Norfolk, The Country Club, Cape Cod, Nutmeg, Philadelphia, and Potomac. Everyone is excited to welcome our guests and share all the Northeast has to offer. Each club will play a game, provide lunch or dinner, and billet the Canadians when possible. The tour is still mindful of the current health concerns and will comply with all local policies. Curlers on both sides of the border are looking forward to the event. The itinerary can be found on the Sr. Friendship Tour 2021(22) Itinerary page and anyone is welcome to join along the Tour to support and cheer on the participants. 

Some additional information can be found on the Home page; articles dated June 28, 2021, February 18, 2022, and September 9, 2022.



2021 Friendship Tour

The Senior Friendship Tour will be coming to the northeast US November 1 - 12, 2021.  Clubs from the USWCA's East Region will be hosting 16 women from the Canadian Maritime Provinces.  Participating host clubs include Schenectady, Albany, Utica, Norfolk, The Country Club, Cape Cod, Nutmeg, Philadelphia, and Potomac.  Everyone is excited to host and share all the Northeast has to offer.  The pandemic might end up causing a delay, but everyone is hoping that by then travel and gatherings will be back to normal.  In the meantime, the Tour will give everyone involved something to look forward to.  Each club will play a game and host the tour for lunch or dinner and billet the Canadians when possible.  We are still mindful of the current health concerns and, late this spring, will make a final decision to go ahead with the tour this fall, or delay it for one year.  Please contact Lee Alexander if you are willing to sponsor meals, events, gifts, pins, etc., or make a contribution to the Friendship Tour through the USWCA in order to provide the most memorable Tour experience for our curling guests from the North.  Go to the Contact page and put Friendship Tour Host in the message line followed by your information or questions.  

The exchange began in 1990 and was a collaboration between the USWCA and the Canadian Curling Association.  It operates on a 3 year rotation between the two countries.


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